
63 Hello! My name is Ari. I’m Finnish. I am a nurse, and I work in a hospital. I am married, but I don’t have children. Hi! I’m Ali. I’m a 24-year-old Afghan. I speak Dari, Pashto, Finnish and English. I’m a student. I study Finnish every day. In the future, I would like to be a builder. Hello! I’m Jessica from the United States. I came to Finland in 2014. I’m an English teacher. My husband is Finnish. He is a cook, and he works in a French restaurant. We have a son and a daughter. They are two and four. We live in Helsinki. 1. What is Ari’s job? __________________________ 2. What is Walid’s mother tongue? __________________________ 3. How old is Ali? __________________________ 4. Who is from Estonia? __________________________ 5. Where does Liis live? __________________________ 6. Where does Ari work? __________________________ 7. Where is Jessica from ? __________________________ 8. How many children does Jessica have? ______________________ 9. How many children does Ari have? _________________________ 10. Is Jessica American? __________________________ 11. Is Ali a builder? __________________________ And I want to learn more! Next, I want to learn _____________________________________________ (Seuraavaksi haluan oppia)